Status: Closed
Yayasan Kasih Suwitno (YKS) is working with the Ministry of Health to strengthen HIV and STI services for high-risk groups in 39 Districts across Indonesia supported by The Global Fund. Currently, YKS urgently needs: Finance Manager: 1 person.
Summary of responsibilities and Job Requirements as below:
Post Title | : | Finance Manager (FM) |
Recruitment | : | Indonesian National |
Location/Duty Station | : | Jakarta |
Duration of Assignment | : | 12 months |
Starting Date | : | December 2022 |
Direct Supervisor | : | Director |
Education | : | Minimum bachelor’s degree in accounting |
General Duties
The Finance Manager is responsible for providing finance and accounting services such as financial reporting, budget development and management, financial analysis, and audits for the project and YKS as an organization. The incumbent shall ensure that the project funds are utilized and reported according to the approved project design, annual fiscal budget, policy/procedures, and in compliance with the grant agreement. He/she will also ensure that financial management standards, policies and donor requirements are followed and also follow the organizational policy.
Recruitment Qualification
- Minimum of 3 years of progressive responsibility in related work experience
- Thorough knowledge and understanding of professional accounting principles, theories, practices and terminology as well as principles and accepted procedures associated with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and the Global Fund regulations is highly desirable.
- Work experience within the HIV/AIDS program is a distinct advantage, and it is a requirement.
- All candidates must have good communication skills, both spoken and written, and be able to use MS Office programs, English language skills are a plus.
- HIV-positive individuals are encouraged to apply.
Application process:
- The application deadline is 15 December 2022
- Please send the application to
- Email Subject: FM _ (NAME OF APPLICANT): contoh: FM_KARLA
- We will acknowledge all applications but will contact only short-listed candidates
The Job Description
- Melakukan koordinasi dengan pengurus yayasan, seluruh divisi/unit kerja serta dengan mitra dan donor YKS
- Pengawasan kualitas (quality control) produk unit keuangan, terutama pencatatan dan pengelolaan bukti bukti transaksi, penyimpanan uang, danpelaporan
- Menyusun dan melakukan pengawasan Cash-flow dan status uang muka program
- Menjaga komunikasi aktif dan memfasilitasi pihak eksternal terutama auditor dalam proses audit tahunan dan Funding (donor).
- Menganalisa data dan informasi keuangan untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pengambilan keputusan .
- Bersama-sama dengan bagian program untuk membuat ke donor, membuat konsolidasi anggaran dan anggaran operasional
- Memeriksa laporan pertanggungjawaban keuangan yang berasal dari bagian administrator dan divisi program
- Otorisasi SPD (Surat Pengajuan Dana) termasuk membuat coding di
- Menyusun laporan keuangan untuk kepentingan rapat internal, audit dan ke lembaga don
- Surat menyurat yang berhubungan dengan Masalah keuangan baik kepada jaringan YKS maupun ke lembaga Donor
- Entry data budget tahun berjalan
- Mengawasi staff atau tenaga konsultan dalam penghitungan pajak tahunan atas pajak PPh 21
- Menghadiri rapat-rapat internal dan eksternal yang berhubungan dengan keuangan dan program
- Memastikan proses pembayaran lancar dan tepat waktu untuk vendor/karyawan/hokum sesuai kebutuhan
- Berhubungan dengan bank, perusahaan asuransi dan badan-badan pemerintah dan vendor tentang masalah pembiayaan dan operasional.
- Coordinate with YKS board members, whole units of YKS management, the partners of YKS partners and donors
- Act as the quality control for the financial product, especially recording and management, transaction receipts and money saving and report
- Prepare and supervise the Cash-flow and status of program advances
- Conducting active communication and facilitating with external parties, especially auditors in the annual audit process and Funding (donors).
- Analyzing the data and the financial information that would be utilized as decision making materials
- Coordinate with the program staff to prepare the budget to donors, prepare a consolidated budget and operational budget
- Check the financial accountability report coming from the administrator section and program division
- The Funding Authorization (Using Budget Request) includes coding on it
- Prepare the financial reports for internal regular meeting, audit and donors
- Correspondence related to the Financial matters either to YKS partners network or to donor agencies
- Entry the budget data for the running year
- Supervise staff or the consultant in the calculation of annual tax on income tax (PPH 21)
- Attend internal and external meetings related finance matter and program related
- Ensuring smooth and timely payment for vendor/employee/statutory payments based on needs
- Liaise with banks, insurance companies and government bodies and vendors on financing and operational matters.